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Does Your Ecommerce Site Really Need a Mobile App?

Ecommerce App Need

Is Retail Mobile App Development Necessary for Ecommerce Website?

Ecommerce industry is booming right now and it also has a promising future. It is a fact that today, number of people purchasing from desktop are higher than mobile purchasers. However, the demand of Retail Mobile App Development has been increasing lately. Smartphones users are increasing every day and retailers need to consider the market demand and go for an ecommerce mobile app.

By creating a mobile app of their online store, retailers have nothing to lose, instead they are creating another platform for their customers to buy their products in a convenient way. This allows you to have customers personalize shopping experience.

How purchasing patterns of customers have changed?

Well, the mobile app for ecommerce or m-commerce offers new opportunities. Retailers should not see it as an expense, instead they need to consider it as one of the most productive investment. A survey carried out by Appetitive shows that 88% of online shoppers in the survey used mobile app for shopping and among 61% of them are active once a month.

Only in United States, the contribution of m-commerce users was $22.7 billion, which is almost 21% of digital commerce income in the USA. In the future, m-commerce users are expected to grow twice to an estimated 45% of the U.S. e-commerce market.

Is a Responsive Website sufficient instead of Ecommerce Mobile App?

Developing a mobile responsive ecommerce website is affordable. It consumes less time, but the main concern is the functionality. The failure to provide customers satisfaction is the area where retailers need to work.

There are issues with the performance of the website. Many websites take time load, they have small images and often have poor information about the products, the availability of network is also one of the main concern and all these made users to go through frustration to finish their purchase.

Users are increasingly shifting toward m-commerce and retailers need to consider having a flawless mobile application for their business. Here are three main advantages of a perfect Mobile App Development that retailers can have.

Extraordinary features of Device:

When you develop an app considering all the smartphone features, you can give users a great experience. Allowing app to have camera access can surely enhance user experience. Integration of GPS into app can also allow you to give personalized experience to the customers. The survey by Apptentive suggested that 71% of surveyed app users surf products on app and then go to the store to make purchase. Retailers should take this shopping pattern into consideration and provide the perfect integration with GPS technologies to their users.

Personalized Experience:

With the data collection, it becomes easier to give users a personalized shopping experience. By taking users browsing patterns, shopping history, personal preferences and demographic profiles into account, it becomes really easy to give personalize shopping experience. It allows you to get real time response from your customers when you send them notifications according to their shopping patterns.

Role of social media:

The shares of social media gives your brand a good exposure as there are more than 2.5 billion active mobile users of social media. Retailers should allow users to login with their social media accounts on the app and this will surely contribute in great user experience. Users can share their wish-list on social media and this is a good exposure to your brand. Along with that are so many good benefits of having a social media friendly app.


It is a fact that mobile apps are becoming a necessary part of peoples lives and company like Outsource Service India constantly improves it. If retailers can understand it and work on their apps accordingly then there are some amazing things that they can achieve for their business.


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