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5 Tips to Optimize Your Blog

Blog Optimization

Optimize Your Blog in 5 Easy Steps

Blog is an essential part of your company website and everything you find on internet it should be optimized for successful digital marketing. Your company blog is a second essential element after your website. Every company either small business or enterprise level firms looking to optimize blog. To get more effective results optimize your blog for search.

If you are looking to optimize your blog, here are 5 easy steps:

Relevant Anchor Text

Diversified anchor text plays vital role. Link all your important pages and home page with relevant anchor text. Why anchor text? Relevant anchor text from your effective blog post or article help google to understand the importance of page. But be careful, link text naturally don’t push it in your blog articles. Use white hat SEO and diversified anchor text and links taken to optimize your blog.

URL Cleanup

Audience of your business is targeted with the proper keywords; same way ensure keyword in blog article URL. It is easy in all CMS just creating tile with the keywords you want to target. In WordPress, you can set links easily by setting ParamLinks. Try to avoid year, date, time in the URL as google prefers fresh contents. These are the URL cleanup basics to optimize you blog posts and articles.

Long Tail Keywords

After several updates and looking at search behavior it is justified that long tail search phrases are vital for businesses. Target long tail search phrases in your blog article or post to get more business. If you crack how your targeted audience search in google you can crack success. Ensure the maximized use of long tail search phrases in the blog posts. Also, utilize long tail search phrases in title of blog article.

SEO Plug-In

Effectively use SEO plugins to optimize your blog. SEO plugins like Yost and All-in-One-SEO help you to easily manage title meta descriptions and other elements that could help in SEO. If you are aware about little SEO that you can add SEO plugins at your own or take help of companies like Outsource Services India to optimize your blog.

Internal Linking

Link website pages and other blog posts in your blog article. This helps users to get relevant information and inspire them stay longer on your websites so the chances of conversion increases. Strong internal linking helps in SEO also. Most common SEO benefits is every linked website page and blog article gets link juice from original blog post.

These are some basic tips to optimize your blog. These could help in website optimization also. Remember optimization of your blog is not hard but yes growing blog is more important. Grow your blog with rich contents that helps user and good contents require proper promotion. Share your blog post on various social media platform, social bookmarking sites. Once your post is old you can use it as newsletter information.


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